Friday night saw the first ever evening meet for our Sketchcrawl Sheffield group. And, what a gorgeous art filled evening it was. We started at the preview evening of illustrator Mick Marston's stunning exhibition, Outlook Gloomy, with  Bright Intervals, at Pete McKee's ultra smart little gallery in Sheffield. It's a really clever, funny and oh so stylish exhibition and if you are in Sheffield you must visit. I insist.
Afterwards, we met up with some other sketchcrawlers and continued our evening at a Moroccan restaurant, Ottos. Coincidentally, the first time I visited Pete's gallery, some months ago, I made a sketch of the restaurant from my car (above). It was because of that sketch I ended up booking this place. You see, iillustrated journals can come in very handy in so many ways; from passing five minutes in your car to booking somewhere to eat!

Anyhow, whilst it was not so easy at a table filled with cutlery, crockery, glasses and drinks I managed a couple of the drawings. And, I'm sure we'll do it again.

@темы: drawings, moleskine, Sheffield, illustrator, andrea joseph, Andrea Joseph drawings, sketchcrawl, SketchCrawl North