A big thanks, guys, for the response to my last post. It's been a difficult couple of weeks - which I will blog about, shortly. I've been struggling with desperately wanting to draw but not being able to pick up a pen. I'm not sure that I'm out of the drawing funk wilderness quite yet but earlier in the week I sat down with my sketchbook to put something down on paper. I wanted to draw something without thinking too much. Something from deep down. And this is what happened! Actually, I don' think it's anywhere near finished yet but I just wanted to post something.
You may know that I have many sketchbooks on the go at one time. At a rough guess, I reckon I currently have about ten that I dip in and out of. And, I theme them. Yes, yes, I know it's sad. For this drawing I reached for a Moleskine sketchbook that holds the idea for a graphic novel I'm working on. I think it's an amazing idea. My next step is to find a publisher who feels the same. So, if you should know of any publishers just waiting for a graphic novel crammed with obsessively detailed drawings, as well as joy, pain, beauty, rage, sadness, courage and love then please send them THIS LINK. Ta!

@темы: moleskine, AJ, illustration, illustrator, Andrea Joseph drawings, a heavy soul, graphic novel